If you were to spend the rest of the day researching how to sign up your perfect customer from Instagram, I predict you’ll stumble across article upon article telling you to “understand what your customer wants”.
As advice goes, you can’t fault it on correctness. It’s absolutely correct. You do need to understand your customer.
You’ll know this instinctively yourself, even if you’ve never given it much thought. There will be times in your life where you’ve seen an ad, or social media post, or homepage. And it’s had a headline that’s stopped you in your tracks. A headline so good, so deliciously tempting, that it seems to be speaking to you directly.
Now that’s a company who understands what their customer wants.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post and also contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. For more information on how I use these on my website, visit my disclaimer here
Psst. In a rush or just curious? This is the free tool I’ll be referring to through the rest of this post. |
How Do You Attract Customers To Instagram?
Coming back to what I was saying, as advice goes, understanding your customer might be up there right at the top of the list, but in terms of usefulness, well that’s a different matter. How useful is that advice to you? I kind of think of it a little bit like the advice you get when you’ve had a baby, and you’re exhausted and sleep-deprived. There’s always someone, some helpful soul, ready to tell you that you just need to get your baby sleeping through the night. With 3 young children, I’ve got a lot of emojis I can use to respond to that nugget of wisdom.
So, here we have this problem in our business. Because we know we need to figure out what our customer wants, but we don’t know exactly how to arrive at that point.
Testing And A “Smart” Tip To Try
A tip for you. Run some tests. Testing is underused when it comes to online marketing. We have all the data we need but seldom do we use it. And rather than sit in a darkened room for 3 hours until inspiration hits you about what to offer a customer, try out different ideas on social media and see which ideas resonate the most with your audience.
When it comes to testing your audience needs on Instagram, I have a trick up my sleeve. Well, not so much a trick as a free tool (this free tool, if you’re curious) that I find incredibly useful for trying out different ideas on my audience, and I highly recommend it for your own Instagram account if you’re struggling to figure out what promotions, products and offers to put in front of your loyal followers.
It’s called Smart Bio, (it’s actually a free tool from Tailwind, which is the tool I use for all my Instagram and Pinterest post scheduling) and it’s essentially a link you can stick on your Instagram profile, that takes people to a page with multiple links plus linkable Instagram posts (yay!). It looks like this:

Branded Design
You can see from the image that it looks very similar to my Instagram feed, and that’s a real plus point, as it gives followers that seamless feel when moving from one link to another, always in keeping with your brand and always showcasing you as a high-quality business. I’ve mentioned before when talking about landing pages how important it is to stick to a consistent look and feel. So when using smart bio, make use of the customisation features and design it according to your brand guidelines.
Customisable Links
The beauty of being able to quickly customise and swap different links means you can test out as many different ideas and offers as you like, and the tool will track your results, recording how many clicks you got, and what link was the most popular. It’s a clever little method to testing out plenty of ideas in a short space of time, without the cumbersome task of constantly replacing your link and updating your bio description directly in Instagram (it also means you a properly split testing, by trying out different ideas side-by-side to the same audience).
Swapping Out Products
I think this is also a helpful option for product-based businesses, to help you understand which products you’re selling are getting the best conversions from your Instagram audience. I’d definitely recommend listing 4-6 different products (as images) on your Smart Bio, and running it for at least a month. It’s going to give you a goldmine of data about what products you should be promoting heavily on Instagram to get the best results for your business.
Split Testing
You could also test the same link with different wording, to see which headline performs the best. This is really useful if you have a free offer, such as a free webinar for example. Add two links to the same webinar sign up page, but list them with different headlines. It’s an easy and fast way of optimising your offers and discovering what sort of headlines are going to attract the right audience (top tip: if you plan on running ads to a webinar, this is a good way to test your ad headline for free first to see which headline is the likely winner).
What Content Works Best On Instagram? Answer: Aim To Wow
When it comes to adding a link on Instagram, the most important thing to remember is that first impressions count. Don’t spend all your efforts making you Instagram feel look beautiful only to send them to a drab or confusing web page. If you want to win a customer, aim to wow. Then, with a bit of obsessive focus on improving your conversion rates, you’ll soon have a great system ticking over for you that’s going to bring you leads and paying customers from Instagram.
Grab Our Free Sales Funnel Guide
You don’t have to spend days or weeks figuring out how to build a sales funnel for your business. We’ve got it covered. Download our free step-by-step easy-start guide now:
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Hey, Great Content…very informative and useful Instagram tactics and theming is the best way to attract more customers.